Friday, December 19, 2008

Distrubing news....

Went for my monthly routine nephrologist appointment, which went fine as usual. The difference was a comment made while looking over my records. The comment was that due to my body mass PD is not a sustainable method of dialysis once my native kidney function decreases. Best guess is 6 months to 1 year for this occur.

So this means I either obtain a transplant, or face hemo dialysis. I recall having this conversation prior to PD placement, but now it seems even more urgent.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


My mother died last week. She died waiting for a liver transplant. Without getting into much detail, I strongly feel she's in a better place. My mother suffered greatly, especially in later years from various sickness including cancer. Although, I miss her deeply and wish I had more time with her...I know she's free of pain and hopefully looking down on me in happiness. We had our struggles, but I hope she knew I loved her deeply despite our past issues.

Jane K. Lewis
9/24/50- 11/30/08

Mom, we miss you greatly. No words can express the empty void of a lost pains me think you are gone.


Your only son...