Here is a picture of my cycler machine. It is taking time to get accustom to operation of the machine, but does allow me more flexibility during the daylight hours which was lost to me doing the manual exchanges. I hope to perfect the usage and begin returning to the office on the limited basis. One of the few downsides of this cycler is the time required to be used. If the cycler alarms it increases the overall time.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Well, this has little to do with my kidney problem but I recently had a tragedy occur this week. Apryl took my car on a joy ride and bent one of my 20" custom chrome rims...mind you we live in have to search for pot holes like Bush searched for Osama Bin Laden. Somehow she managed to not only locate this mystery pot hole, but also successfully ram my vehicle into it.
Mind you this did not need to occur. Apryl has her own vehicle, a nice crossover vehicle with big ole tires...but no...she decides to take my super low profile wheels out for a spin.
I have uploaded a picture of damage done to this expensive wheel. Replacement cost is around 350.00, not including remounting, re-installing tire pressure sensor, balancing and 4 wheel alignment. Not to mention if there happens to be tire damage, which would tack on an additional 200.00.
I'm sure this did little for my blood pressure, as it has almost completely soured my mood this week. Look at my beautiful Caddy stapped down on this tow truck!
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